6 Reasons To Book A Group Trip With Us

6 Benefits Of Travelling On A Group Trip

Generally, you’ll get a diverse mix of ages, nationalities, and personalities in one vicinity, so you’ll always find your own little wolf-pack within the group. If you’re an inexperienced traveler, it’s comforting to know that you’re going to be looked after and make friends from all over the world, giving you that much-needed confidence boost so that the next time you travel you’ll be all over it like a rash.

Insider’s knowledge and a local guide

Imagine someone with you at all times who eliminates all your niggles and worries so you can just enjoy exploring new lands. On a group trip, you are with the group host and/or local expert guides – people who go through rigorous training (and we mean rigorous – think army boot camp style) to ensure that you are in the best possible hands at any time of the day (or night). Want to know where the best gelato in Italy is? Ask your guide. Want to go off-the-beaten-path and see something cool? Ask your host or guide. They will help you unlock the history and insider knowledge of the world’s greatest destinations, so you can get the absolute most out of your experience, without spending your whole time searching the internet or trawling guide books. Think of them as an encyclopedia, but for travel.

More time to yourself than you would think…

Perhaps one of the greatest myths circulating group travel is that you don’t get a lot of “free time.” We know the contrary. Our trips to the Caribbean always give you 1.5-2 days of free time, on our multi-city sightseeing tours (ex. Morocco) you have a full itinerary with several blocks of free time built in.  We try to always give you options. Obviously you’re going to want to do the ‘must-do’s’ which a group travel trip will sort for you, but equally, you’ve got total freedom to spend your ‘me time‘ how you please. So basically, best of both worlds – the itinerary of dreams, and the choice to go off course. #Winning.

A value that packs a punch

At the end of the day, group travel is there to make your holiday seamless and effortless. Add to that a truly valuable experience with a heap of inclusions that means more money in your pocket for food, shopping, or cool experiences. Most often, accommodation, meals, transportation, a trip manager and exclusive access to sights is also included. Value central.


Sit back, relax and enjoy the adventure because, on our group trips, it’s hassle-free. Navigating through a new country can sometimes be difficult. New languages, customs, and ways to get around. On our group trips, you generally don’t have to worry about organizing or planning as much – you can just go with the flow, cocktail in hand, and let someone our trip host deal with the stress.

Find your future TravelMate

Because let’s face it – who really needs Tinder to find love when it’s as simple as traveling the world and embracing the single life. You’re amidst a bunch of like-minded individuals, experiencing new cultures with a positive attitude – be open to whatever lies ahead. If you are local to NYC you can join our Meetup group where we have meet & greets that give you that human interaction can certainly help you find your future travelmate – or at least – start the conversation and form new friendships!

Ready for the trip of a lifetime? Make sure you stay connected with us by joining our mailing list and don’t forget to check out our upcoming group trips.


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